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Study News
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6/5 Public Information Meeting Held

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Welcome to the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study Website!

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) and the City of Norwich have partnered with the consulting firm VHB to conduct a Mobility Study for the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich area. The Study is a key component in the City of Norwich's efforts to provide streets that are safe and accessible for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit users of all ages and abilities. The Study goals include improvements to livability, mobility, access to essential services, safe routes to the waterfront and Howard T. Brown Park, the Intermodal Transportation Center, the Norwich Marina and other downtown destinations. This will be accomplished through expanded bicycle facilities, sidewalk network improvements, and the reconfiguration of multi-lane, high-speed through streets that currently exist as a barrier between downtown proper and the City's waterfront area, East, and West Side neighborhoods. The Study will develop alternatives to the current configuration and traffic flows of the study area with the above goals in mind.

View the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study Fact Sheet

Study Area

The Mobility Study is focused on downtown Norwich and the convergence of State Routes 2, 82, 32, and 12. Project area roadways include Main Street, Water Street, Chelsea Harbor Drive, Washington Street, Viaduct Road, Broadway, and Franklin Street. See the map for more details. The Study will provide the groundwork for improved mobility along these corridors. The need for improved pedestrian, bicycle, motorist, and transit accessibility in the downtown, for residents coming from the east and west side neighborhoods, and the waterfront area adjacent to the Intermodal Transportation Hub, is essential to local regional traffic flows, safety, and economic development efforts in the City of Norwich.

Click image to view high resolution map (Adobe PDF)
Map of Study Area

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